
Story Telling-Illustration

I paint it in photo shop.  This image is inspired by tons of reference, such as cars, tunnels, fan, etc.  It is for my Print and Play game.  Actually, I am pretty happy with this painting.  I think it is a successful piece.  


The Wanted-Print and Play!

Game of The Wanted is finally completed!

The players looks like enjoy the game a lot!  Approximately sent 18 minutes to finish a game.

Link to download the game:


Work Shop_Munchkinopoly

The game that Me and Hailey Designed is based on the games that we both brought to the class-Monopoly and Munchkin.  We combined the elements from two games together.

Collect all of 2 colored tokens.

If you roll doubles, move again.
If you roll hand, choose  to steel player card or move the number indicated on other dice.
When pass Go - collect one treasure card.
First class = roll again
If hit go to jail - cannot move the piece for 3 turns. Or put back all of the most color you collected.
Players select 2 pieces that they control -> roll dice, choose which piece to move.
If land on unclaimed spot, players have option to take token and keep it.
However, if player lands on spot they already control, they must put  token back.
If land on 'Here and Now' draw treasure card.
If land on '?' draw door card.
If curse effective on player who drew it immediately.
If you drew a card with (+number) add to hand and can be played at the end of an turn.
If card isn't useful to current game, discard and drew again.
Player wins when they collect all tiles of 2 colors.
If player has more than 5 cards, they must either play a card or discard.
Only 1 card use per turn.
Curse = lose one token of player choosing.
If go up a level, pick up nearest token.
Discard all monster cards and drew again.
If player pulls a "lose an item card, they must discard from their hand.


PnP Game Theme

   My game is about a competition between underground car racer and police in the city.  The game requires minimum 2 players.  Both players have different goals.  Racer needs to get out of the city before get busted by the police.  On the other hand, the player who act as the police in the game should to attempt to catch the racer or bust the racer before he gets out of city.

   I will create a board for this game.  Each players will at least have three cars on the board, which means there will be totally six cars presents on the board at the beginning of the game.  I am going to create some extra rules to make the game more interesting.  For example: I will print rules on the cards, what ever what kind of card the players obtain, they have to follow the rules.  Certainly, some rules are definitely pretty helpful, but some of them could be deadly.

   My wish that I can make my art style very simple in this case, so I can keep the board clean.  It will be so much easier for the players to understand my game.  However, I want to design the cars.  Make the car in more detail.  For example: I wish that I can find some ways to make my cars in 3D.  I can use the 3D printer to print, or I will just use clay to make one, then fire it, and color it.

Here are the colors that I wish can be used on my game:


Brainstorming a Game

What if my game is game car racing?
What if my game has more rules?
What if my game has cards that create additional rules?
What if my game need more dies?
What if my game has a more interesting board?
What if my game has a bigger board?
what if my game can be played by more players?
What if my game is about puzzle?
What if my game has a smaller board?
What if my game has less rules to keep it simple?
What if my game has more freedom?
What if my game does not need a die?
What if my game can not be finished in ten minutes?
What if my game can only need one player?

I have many ideas.  However, I am still confused about what kind of game that I am going to design and improve.  I probably need to decide which idea I am going to do.

Game Deconstruction - Aeroplane Chess

Aeroplane Chess is a game that can be played by two to four people.  
Aeroplane Chess game board, featuring 4 starting places in each corner, a track of circumventing the board, 4 home zones, leading from the track to the end points at the center of the board. The board is divided by color of red, yellow, blue and green. There are 4 sets colored airplane pieces, red, yellow, blue and green.  One six-side die is required in this game.
The goal of game is simple locate all of your pieces to the ending point.  The winner is the person who finish first.
The game does not have many rules, such as:
1. Taxi a piece out of the hangar onto the board. This can only be done by rolling an even number.
2. Move a piece that's on the board clockwise around the track, the number of spaces indicated by the dice.
There are some additional rules: (optional)
1. A roll of 6, whether it is used to enter or move a piece, gives that player another roll. A second 6 gives the player a third roll. If the player rolls a third 6, any pieces moved by the first two 6's must return to their hangar and play passes to the next player.
2. When a plane lands on a space of its own color, it immediately jumps to the next space of its own color. Any opposing planes sitting on these squares are sent back to their hangars.
3. When a plane lands on another plane in its own fleet, the player may "stack" the pieces and move them as one piece until they reach the center or are landed on by an opponent. When stacked pieces are sent back to their hangar by an opponent landing on them, they are no longer stacked.
I played with two people, and we spent approximately 20 minutes to finish it.  In my opinion, this game definitely need luck. Especially, players need to get a six on the die to move one of pieces out of home zone to start the game.  Also, when This game needs some strategies and skill to adjust pieces on the board because your pieces might be sent back to the home zone by other player.  Also, skill is required when the pieces get into the finish zones.  Obviously, the game has so much freedom because the board of the game is huge, includes 52 spaces.


Print and Play Exploriation

The Game that I choice is called 'Muses' from site www.goodlittlegame.co.uk

First of all I was a little confused about the rules of 'Muses' which is approximately one sheet long. I spent almost ten minutes to read and understand it, which is pain.

There are nine cards in this game, and each card represents one muses.  There are two main informations: Point and dice power.

This is a simple card game that can be finished around five minutes by only one person because there is no set up required.  The most important and interesting element in this game is luck.  However, I need to make the right choices by skills to capitalize on the luck.

In my game:
What if my game keeps rules simple and short?
What is my game is about cars?
What if my game can be longer? or shorter?
What if my game need more skill?
What if my game needs a board?
What if my game can be player with more people?
What if my game needs more luck than skill?



My favorite Video Game Trailer

   This is the official gamescom trailer of the generation of Need for Speed series, developed by Electronic Arts.  The game is going to be published in this November.  Need for Speed is one of my favorite video games series.  I had played most of games in this series, such as Most Wanted, Shift, Shift II, The Run, Hot Pursuit, etc.  In fact, Hot Pursuit is my favorite, even it does not have a open map in the game.

   I have not play the new generation yet.  However, I like the trailer a lot for some reasons.  One of the most significant reasons is that I am a car guy, love driving cars, racing cars, and tuning cars.  By watching the trailer, it makes me really exited, and eager to play it because of the music and actor's lines.  They act as most crazy drivers and criminals on the planet.  Their mood and speaks are ambitious and brutal.

   According to the trailer, I can tell that players are able to tune cars in the game, which is very cool.  Rims, paint, chassis, suspension, and front/rear lips are all can be customized.  It is the biggest selling point of this game because players are not able to tune their cars in almost a half games in Need for Speed series.  I think many people will come back to Need for Speed series just because of they can tune cars again.

   As the tradition of Need for Speed, racing with police.  This is kind of thing that people are not able to do, but it is also the thing that makes people want to do.  The game gives so much freedom to the players which make people fall in love with it.  In some Need for Speed, Players are able to select roles, police and racer.  Based on the trailer, I am still not able to tell if people can do it or not.
Image quality of this video amazed me a lot.  I see so much progress from the previous generation of Need for Speed.  The current one is so much more realistic, and clear.


Character design sheet, designed for a Traditional Animation project.

The final project of Drawing II last semester.  100% photoshop

This model is finished in 3D classes as the final 2015.  Spent three weeks on this project, including first draft on sketch book, build, fire, color...

Self portrait 

I haven't done figure drawing too much before I came to Ringling College.  This is one of sequences I did during the class last semester.  I enjoyed this course which is pretty interesting and significant to me.  

Material: Acrylic on paper
This painting is finished for 2D class.