
HeroProp Preproduction

Xie Di Zi: is an Chinese Ancient weapon, which is used for killing people by cuts head off.  It has a very unique mechanic that people are still trying to figure out how it works today.  However, the Xie di Zi need to be throw and covered on the head.  Then, it will easily knock the head off.

Gun:  It is the most common weapon that we can have in the real life today.  And it is also the most famillar weapon that I can achieve for this project.  If I choose this plan, I am going to design a unique gun with special mechanics.

Flying vehicle. It is also has the possibility for me. I will make it looks like a mini machine just like a backpack.  The design should looks cool and logical.  It is  be powered by a v8 engine which will produce fire and heat.

Weeding machine .  It will not be a common weeding tool that we can found in the field.  It is going to be look like a crazy machine that is able to kill any lives.  Parts are going to rotate with a high rpm to cut stuff.  it will be powered by gas, which can generate large sum of heat.

Water gun.  Water gun is actually a very interesting idea.  It remind me about the childhood.  However, it will not look like the ones that I had played with.  It will be a water gun that will pull water out with a high pressure.  Imagine how powerful that water guns for washing cars.
Motor saw.  The idea is inspired by the horror movies that I had watched before.  It can be a very bloody killing machine.  In the game, Saw can be used for many purposes.  For example: it can cut something that block the road, or kill the enemies...

generator.  Generators can produce high pressure electricity which can be very dangerous, but it also can work as a magnet.  So there are at least two mechanic that can be found in this idea.  It can attract stuff, or it can kill or hurt lives in the game.

 Stilit.  This thing is very fun to play with in the real life, so I believe that it will be more fun in the game because of the the feature of the mechanic it has already.  The spring is a very big part of this prop.

scooter.  it can be powered by some unique energy, such as nuclear power, solar power, or wind.  It will not have  any wheel.  It even will not stay on the ground.  In other words, It will float just like how maglev train works. It will not have any resistance from the earth, so it can go as fast as possible.

Skateboard.  It probably will have the similar mechanics as scooter has.  The only things which are different is the animations.

